All content available on the website which is owned by the company Dallara Group S.r.l, with headquarters in Varano De' Melegari (PR), Via Provinciale, No. 33-43040 - ITALY, can be used only following authorisation from the owner of the copyright and only for information or personal purposes, any and all commercial use or its distribution using another computer is expressly forbidden; it is also forbidden to make changes to the content available on the above website.
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The company Dallara Group S.r.l. is not responsible for the information contained in the web pages of its website, of future developed ones or their related graphics, or for any breach of the rights of third parties or for any direct or indirect consequential damages, or for any damages of any kind, including those deriving from the loss of usage rights, the loss of information or the loss of earnings, or losses deriving from any breach of contract, negligence or other prejudicial actions deriving from or in any way connected to the usage or to the information available on this website.
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The owner is the company Dallara Group S.r.l, with headquarters in Varano De 'Melegari (PR), Via Provinciale, No. 33-43040 - ITALY.